Packing List for Gorilla Tours in Congo


After identifying the best tour company, you are to use for your gorilla tour in Democratic Republic of Congo and you have cleared all the bills needed for your tour to move on thoroughly well, you also need to know what you should carry while going for the gorilla tours in Congo and the following are strictly some of the things you should pack for your gorilla tour in Congo. Gorilla tours in Congo exist in Virunga National Park of which the park protects over 200 Mountain gorillas in the mist of the massifs.

Long Sleeved Shirts for men and Blouses for women;

You need to owe long sleeved trousers, shirts and blouses for your gorilla trekking because these sorts of clothes will make you feel comfortable during your tracking especially during the rainy season. You have to also make sure that you tack in your trouser in your hiking boots to avoid insects such as safari ants from entering your hiking boots to disturb your body. The long-sleeved clothes will guide you too from wild insects like mosquitoes from hurting your fore skin and giving you diseases like malaria.

Snacks, water and packed food;

It is advisable for every gorilla trekker in Virunga national park to carry some energy giving snacks as supplements plus packed food. Gorilla tracking is a challenging activity which requires you to move with enough water for drinking since you might get thirsty during tracking. Before you leave your lodge for the gorilla tracking activity in the Park, you are emphasized to carry your packed food and lots of drinking water because you never know when you will return to your lodge for lunch. Energy giving snacks are always sold in the super markets of Congo, therefore remind your guide to direct you to some of the country’s nearby super markets for the snacks and packed food.

Good Cameras and reserve charged batteries

Taking photos while viewing the rare endangered Mountain gorillas is such a thing most trekkers want to do thus on your safari you should ensure that you have your good camera ready and fully charged. You are also emphasized to move with extra charged batteries of which these extra batteries will help you when your battery in the camera has shut down. Therefore, with the extra batteries being available and fully charged too, you can now take as many photos as you want in the one hour you will be given to spend with the gorillas. However, while taking photos you are encouraged not to use flashlight cameras because you might scare the endangered primates.

Hat and Sun Glasses

You are also required to move with a hat which you should put on your head while tracking especially when it is hot, a hat will protect your head from the strong sun rays which might hit your head. On certain occasions you are also encouraged to carry some sun glasses to protect your eyes from the injuries which might be brought by too much sun shine and also some stubborn insects which might fly into your eyes.

Pair of Binoculars

On your tour in Virunga national park you will need to have clear views of each and everything in the Park and this is possible when you use the binoculars which will even help you to view things from far. Therefore, you are reminded to always carry the pair of binoculars whenever you are going for a gorilla safari in Virunga and other Parks.

Porters for your gorilla trek

It is advisable for all clients to take a porter for their gorilla trekking. Since gorilla trekking can be strenuous, you will need someone to give you a push or a pull on the way to the gorillas. The porters to go for a gorilla trekking with you they need to be paid a fee which is worth thus never worry that it will require much money from you. The porters are always school students either in their vacation or have been chased out of school due to school fees therefore, by paying some money to have a porter with you it will be an indirect development you will have contributed to the entire society since you will have employed the youths.

Hiking Boots

Good and light hiking boots should be your first priority whenever you are going for a gorilla safari. Gorilla trekking in Virunga national park involves trekking in search for the endangered mountain gorillas in the thick forests of the Park which requires dry and light hiking boots to help you through this activity. Because of the nature of the forest plus the altitude and terrain, you need light weight hiking boots for this activity. Hiking boots are must take items as you decide on what to pack for your gorilla trekking adventure in Virunga national park (Democratic Republic of Congo).


You should also carry good gloves to protect your hands from getting dirty and other things during your gorilla trek. Especially during rainy seasons, the forests become slippery and somehow you need to hold on something just in case such happens. Thus, if you touch some itching plants, trees or even climbing trees, you may be harmed when you lack the gloves. These gloves will therefore protect you from germs and other items that may scratch your hands plus also giving warmth to your hands and the whole body especially during cloudy days. Therefore, on your packing list for the gorilla tour in Congo should not miss out the gloves because they are very vital and important during your tour.

Rain Jacket/coat

You are also reminded to include the rain jackets/rain coats in your gorilla trekking packing list because they are very important for your tour especially during rainy days. Even if it is sunny season, you are also much emphasized to carry the rain jacket/rain coat due to the daily global changing climate which is unpredictable that it can rain at any time.  Though there are some known months for rainy season in Congo and Virunga national park but you will never tell when it is going to rain so you need a rain jacket in order to be protected from rain. Many clients prefer traveling in dry season of June, July, August and beginning of September and try to avoid rainy seasons of March, April and May but the fact that we are not God and we cannot tell that it will not rain in other months, you are told to pack the rain coats regardless of any season as long as you are going for a tour in Congo.


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