Uganda Gorilla Trip of A Lifetime Experience


Gorilla trekking experience in Uganda is worth all the money you’ll spend because once you sit a few meters from a four-hundred-pound silver back and his whole family, the world comes alive, and your view of the natural world is changed forever.

You will then better relate with world creatures’ humans have so feared for thousands of years. The experience will stay will you for a lifetime, and that’s not the kind of thing you put a price tag on or buy at your favorite store.

These kinds of raw experience that gets you actively involved in the land and its inhabitants are what makes traveling worth the money I spend. When I look in the far horizon and see everything unfamiliar and yet inviting, a new life blows into me and I step forward.

At Bwindi, you will do gorilla trekking tours through the steep and dense forest, before coming across the gorillas camouflaged in the lush vegetation without doubt, an inspiring and privileged experience.

This is a trip that requires stamina, as it may take most of the day to track these amazing creatures, but the reward is an unforgettable and truly once-in-a-lifetime wildlife encounter.

As well as seeing gorillas in the wild, you can take a guided walk in the rain forest, home to several endemic bird species, clouds of butterflies and rare plant life. Walking through the local village, you can learn about community projects, discover the traditions of the Batwa Pygmies and learn about the native tribal inhabitants of the forest who, although no longer resident in the forest, still practice many of their traditional hunter-gatherer skills.

Every day brings a torrent of mind-blowing experiences that takes you out of the comfort zone and opens your hearts and minds to a new view on life. You can slaughter a pig for a village feast. You can have your futures read in some kind of mysterious leaves. You can help repair a remote school.

You can play soccer with local children on a top-of-the-world football pitch, sharing the unspoken joy of friendly competition. A local shaman can accompanied you, serving as a spiritual guide and performing sacred rituals to bless and cleanse your eager souls.

The detour up to this point is worth the money and time you spend because it aligns your expectations with what the destination can offer so that you ultimately get to experience the gorilla trekking activity with a balanced mindset.

Seeing the jungle as you approach, the mist would clear for a spell, giving you a brief peek of the primeval forest before once again obscuring her from view.


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