Africa Travel Guide


Travel Africa Blog Guide is an open window forum to promote dialogue and awareness on travel and tourism to develop Africa considering its rich and unique cultural and natural diversity, yet unexplored.

We are web-based multi-level platform and window on travel and tourism information reporting (national, continental and global) managed by enthusiastic and dedicated travel professionals.

Travel Africa Blog offers to its readers objective real time assessments forum to discuss and share views on all issues, non political and developmental to benefit development in African travels and tourism.


To promote and facilitate travels within, to and from Africa for sustainable economic and social development.


To make Travel Africa Blog Guide a major platform that drives tourism development in Africa.
To be the most popular travel Apps for travels and tours in Africa.
To serve as the vanguard of African tourism.
To be instrumental driver to development of tourism and growth of travels across Africa.
To lead in developing awareness towards unfolding potentials for tourism in Africa.
To be the bedrock of reliable views and information on Africa travels as well as other travel experiences that may be beneficial to African travelers, investors and governments.
To serve as a major mobilization tool for stakeholders to make Africa travels safe, seamless, efficient and vibrant.
To serve as free and available travel adviser to any intending traveler to and out of Africa at the tip of their fingers.


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